Sunshine Loans Review : Sunshine loans in Australia

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Do You Want to take loan from Sunshine loans but you don’t know about this loan company so don’t Worry We Will Give you Detailed Review of Sunshine loans in Australia. If You want know about best Personal Loans in Australia you Can See

Sunshine loans Australia
Sunshine Loans in Australia

Sunshine Loans Basic Information

  • You can take loans upto $2500 from Sunshine Loans
  • You Can Get Sunshine Loan Instantly in Your Bank Account
  • Sunshine loan Application process very easy

Why We Choose Sunshine Loans ?

It is operated by Australian and family owned loans business since 1990. It’s 100% Paperless Process No Need to do paperwork of faxes as well as they give 128 Bit SSL Security Encryption So You Can Trust on It.

Types of Sunshine Loans

1.For Small loans $150 to $2000 ( Sunshine Small loan)

  • In this loan you don’t need to pay Annual percentage rate type charges because they charge flat fee only
  • Because this is short term loans in Australia so you can take this loan from 63 day to 98 days
  • Sunshine small loans costs are establishement fees 20% of the Amount borrowed and 4% is monthly fees of loan amount
  • Let’s take a example: Suppose you want loans of $1000 for 9weeks, In this Case You will Have to Pay around 1320$ ( 1000$ Principal Amount +200$ Establishement fee+ 120 monthly charge

For medium loans from $2001 to $2500

  • Sunshine loans charges 48% per annum APR + Establishement Fee
  • minimum Repayment tenure : 63 day
  • maximum repayment tenure 140 day